Whether you have mastered kettlebell swings or you are just kettlebell curious, this is the app for you.
Kettlebell Workout is designed to help you keep track of all your training yet is simple enough to stay out of your way. If you don't need a babysitter to help you workout but you are tired of keeping pen-and-paper log books, then this app is for you.
This app is designed to be as easy to use as pen and paper yet will allow you to easily log your progress over time in any of over 60 built-in exercise or any exercise you see fit to type into the little box.
- Choose from sample kettlebell workouts and start working out with one click
- Easily create your own workout routine and start logging your progress in seconds
- Log your entire strength training workout or crossfit routine without typing a single character
- Enjoy kettlebell training specific predictive text when naming exercises and creating workouts
- Quickly navigate within a simple, intuitive interface that mimics the notebook common to a typical workout log
The app also includes:
- A database of over 60 kettlebell and bodyweight exercises that will expand with every new exercise you throw at it.
- Pre-installed kettlebell workouts so you can start training and get on the path to fitness instantly
- Rest Interval Timer with Audible (optional) and Vibration Feedback, so you do not have to watch the clock during your workout
- Built-in Workout Timer, so you can train efficiently and stay on track
- 选择从样品壶锻炼,并开始工作了与点击
- 轻松地创建自己的日常锻炼,并开始记录你的进步在几秒钟内
- 登录您的整个力量训练锻炼或crossfit例行无需输入单个字符
- 享受命名的练习和锻炼创建时壶铃训练的具体预测文本
- 快速在一个简单的,直观的界面,模仿共同的笔记本电脑,以一个典型的锻炼日志浏览
- 超过60壶和体重锻炼一个数据库,将与你扔在它的每一个新的运动扩大。
- 预装壶锻炼这样你就可以开始训练,并获得健身路径上瞬间
- 休息间隔定时器,声音(可选)和振动反馈,所以你不要有你的锻炼期间看时钟
- 内置定时锻炼,这样你就可以有效地培养和留在轨道